Join us as we begin the new year seeking God's heart through prayer and fasting.
Please set aside some time each day to pray for our church and community.
Download the prayer guide below and use it as a launch pad for your faith and prayers.
Please set aside some time each day to pray for our church and community.
Download the prayer guide below and use it as a launch pad for your faith and prayers.
WHAT IS BIBLICAL FASTING?Fasting is choosing to not eat for a period of time, and instead using the time that you would normally be eating to spend time with God in prayer. As your physical body hungers, ask God to increase your hunger for more of His love, power, and presence.
We will be fasting as a church every Thursday. Fast the entire day or a meal. Take time to pray and listen when you would normally eat. DAILY FAST: Choose a meal to fast every day. Take time to pray and listen when you would normally eat. TOTAL FAST: Refrain from food for an entire week or for the entire month, allowing water, juice, and broth as needed. Take time to pray and listen when you would normally eat. HYBRID FAST: Choose from other fasting options such as the Daniel fast, or fasting media, tv, phone, or anything that takes your focus away from God. Instead take time to pray and listen. |
JOIN US AT AS WE PRAY TOGETHER AT THE UPPER ROOM AT THE WELLJoin us at the Upper Room (located on the second floor of The Well Coffeehouse and Marketplace) as we meet and pray together. There will be guided prayer sessions at 7am and 7pm each day.
Please use the side door located around the right side of the building to access the prayer room on the second floor before/after The Well is open. The Well's address is 6949 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE 19707. |